Friday, April 13, 2012

Upon This Rock...

I dreamt last night that I was with a group of people who were building a house.  I was high up in the rafters, watching them as they worked.

There was a man directly across from me who was constructing a floor within the house.  I noticed that he placed each nail no more than an inch away from the last.  My immediate thought was, "Wow!  This guy is using a lot of nails.  The floor will surely be solid - no one will fall through."

As I was trying to get down off the beam, the man motioned for me to jump over to the floor he just completed.  I told him I was fine inching my way to the end of the beam and towards the spiral staircase.

As I dragged myself slowly towards the end of the beam, I recognized the staircase to be the one from our old cottage - the cottage my grandfather built with his own father.  I instantly felt safe in my surroundings knowing that it was my grandfather who had established the foundation.


Aware that my Twampa is preparing his final journey home, I feel helpless.  I know, of course, that trying to "save him" for any purpose here on Earth is futile and, quite honestly, would only prove to be a practice in selfishness.  I know that I don't even have to try to save him as that task has already been accomplished.

God has provided my grandfather the necessary foundation and is motioning for him to take the jump from the unsafe beam to the solid ground in front of him.  Unlike the evidence of my own hesitation, I know my grandfather is brave enough and absolutely willing to take this step.

As I think of this final leap, I am not afraid for him at all.  I know that before him lies a foundation that is safe and secure and that he will surely land on Heaven's floor.

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